Welcome to the advanced English practice class. I haven't used this particular blog for a while because I haven't had the advanced class, but I just cleared the decks and sent invitations to everyone enrolled. Feel free to check out the links, and suggest anything you would like to see improving the blog.
This blog is an assignment for the class, to give you practice with English and the Internet, as well as to provide a means of communication for the class. Don't forget to check the blog regularly and see what others are posting. You will be required to post at least one message and one comment every week. Many of the weeks' assignments will be specific projects, and most of them will be made here on the class blog, not in class. So don't forget to keep coming back.
Let's start with self-introductions. Please tell us a little about yourself, what you hope to get out of this English class (besides credit) and what you suggest we do on the blog together.