Thursday, July 16, 2009

about the blues

I do not listen Blues very often, lectuers were interesting. I have to listen three times at least, to understand foreign music. Hand-outs were very helpful for me.
I like Bob Dylan. His genre is folklock(perhaps), not Blues. I think he can sing another type of music. I am not familir with him. Only I like his harmonica.
His song, "Blowin' In The Wind" is used in my favorite author's book. It is very good song.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

About Blues

In this lecture, I listened a lot of Blues for the first time and I was very surprised that Blues has such many types than I expected.
So, I have a simple question, are there any paticular instruments to play Blues?
I thought that players often used guiters and pianos.

Monday, July 13, 2009

about Blues

When I listened to some of Blues in the class, I remembered Japanese Oldies called "Showa-Kayou". They have a little bit sadness, loneliness, and are full of wit, I think.
And I was surprised to know singers improvised Blues at that time. I can't believe that!
How did they make rhyme just after repeating first verse twice? Did they stock any expressions to make such Blues?? If so, it clearly shows how close to people's daily life blues were at that time. Music has been always with people for a long time. Of course, I love that.

Blues were improvised. It meant they were not perfect. They were so imperfect that everyone could perform them, I guess. Professor said that everyone can make Bules but not everyone can make good Blues. Tough I can't see which are good Blues or bad, I just understand how people really wanted to sing their lives. I think Bules are soulful.

You can check the information about Blues here!