Friday, May 16, 2014

The Golden Week

 In this year's Golden Week, I did not do anything special.I just worked every day!! A restaurant was very busy during Golden Week. Quite a lot of people came to Hirosaki to see cherry blossoms then came to the testaurant. Really any special things did not happen! So this was my Golden Week!!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

About Whaling Problem

The Answer to a Question About Whaling problem

 I had a seminar today and Ayaka and I asked Mr. Sawada who is the teacher of Oceania seminar if New Zealander eat a whale or not. He taught us that in New zealand even Maori people eat a whale but they eat only a stranded whale. They eat a whales or use for something. I was surprised as I didn't expect he said so.

 Then in this discussion, a student who is one of seminar students said an interesting story. She went to Canada to study and was said "Japan should not fish whales" by two New Zealand guys. I thought there are various people with various ideas. right?

Anyway, the conclusion was New Zealander eat a whale!!!

What I did during this Golden Week

Hello, I'm Kazuki.
Today, I would like to write about "what I did during this Golden Week."

One thing what I did is going to Koriyama city in Fukushima prefecture to make an advance arrangement for an English teaching internship which starts at the end of this month.

The high school where I will do the internship is my alma mater and my supervisor is a teacher who taught me English when I was a third-grade student in this school. Since we know each other, we could talk easily.

We talked about his class which I will join during the internship and the schedule of the internship. I felt that the internship is going to be little bit difficult because there are much bigger differences of level of English knowledge among the students in his class than among students which I belonged when I was a student in there.

To attract their attention and explain in easiest ways are main subject when I teach them English. I would like to them to know how English concerns them and to get interested in learning English.

The other thing what I did is to meet my friends who have already graduated from their university.

Each of them is working in Hachinohe city, Rokkasho village, and Akita city. Two of them just graduated on this March and started working. We went to Hirosaki Park to see cherry blossoms and drank alcohol together.

It was great to see them and that I could hear about their jobs. I thought I also have to work hard to get a better job.

How did you spend during Golden week?