Should Japan continue to provide ODA to China, or should it stop?
That's the topic that people attending the class are committed to debating.
You all have some good resources about this topic, although too many of them are going to be in Japanese to be good for an English class. However, this is an important topic which not only has implications for the relationship between China and Japan, but which also has implications for other instances of foreign aid.
At which point in its development should a country stop getting foreign aid?
Taiwan long ago developed to the point that it no longer needed aid from the United States, and has not been a recipient of foreign aid for decades. On the other hand, the US itself got foreign aid after Hurricane Katrina and broken levees wiped out the city of New Orleans. However, that may be a special case, and the recent earthquake in China may be irrelevant to the discussion here.
I'd like each of you to say whether you oppose or support Japanese ODA to China and how strongly you feel about it. After a little back and forth on the blog, comments and blogposts, you should have developed your ability to express your opinion about the issue a little more. After that we can begin to prepare for another debate in class.
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