Now I write my opinion about ODA to China.
I disagree with continuing ODA to China.
First of all, the freeway of China has miritary fuction.
It is used to transport arms and armies.
And not only transportation, one freeway can use as the runway of bomber and its parking area can use as entrance of helicopter of miritary.
Constraction of these freeway is spent Japanese ODA.
ODA is not to reinforcement miritary power.
Second, China helps Ghana, Cambodia, Bangladesh, and so on.
The country of being able to help others doesn't need Japanese ODA.
Third, China makes rapid economic growth, about 10% per a year.
In 2006, GDP was round 2000dollars a person.
And China is second position of keeping foreign currency in the world.
Fourth, ODA budget is deacreasing every year in Japan and
non-supporters of ODA are increasing.
One of the cause is not to clear how to use ODA.
So I think China doesn't need Japanese ODA,
and Japan should help Africa more and more.
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