Thursday, May 20, 2010

causes of gender wage gap

This is from the Census Bureau:

Previous studies of the gender wage gap show that wages are generally lower for men and women in occupations that have a higher percentage of female workers (Bayard et al. 2003; Boraas and Rodgers 2003; Roksa 2005).

This analysis shows that the same holds true for work hours. Although sex is a significant predictor of work hours, both men and women work shorter hours in occupations with a higher percentage of female workers even after controlling for the effect of sex, showing an interaction between work hours, occupation, and percent female.
In other words, much of the gender wage gap is a result of men and women working different occupations, at least in the US.


ayumi said...

I have a question about the graph "Usual weekly work hours by educational attainment".

Why is the rate of "some collage or associate's degree" lower than 2 below educational attainments? They should be more educated because they got degrees...

yuya said...

Different occupations is one of the factors of the gender wage gap in Japan, too. Moreover, some other factors are involving, such as the seniority wage system, academic background, rate of part-time worker, type of household, and traditional concept that women are to stay at home.
(Japan Institute of Worker's Evolution)

Professor Philips said...

"Some college or associate degree" means they don't have a full four year college degree. "Some college" means they started college but didn't finish it. "Associate degree" is what two year community colleges give out. "Bachelor's degree" is four year.