Saturday, July 29, 2006

the class party

I went to the class party yesterday, and I enjoyed it very much.
I ate yakiniku after a long time, so I enjoyed eating itself, and ofcourse, talking with you all was fantastic! I might eat too much yesterday...(^-^;)

I enjoyed and loved this class a lot. I was happy I could talk with you all a lot. There were lots of fun and good stimulation. And I feel my English has improved since I took this class.
I wish we could continue the class...(>_<)

Thanks everyone! and thank you, Mr.Philips!

1 comment:

Professor Philips said...

I think you can continue the class. Check the schedule and see if English Level 4 is offered again next semester. Since Level 4 is the top level I'm pretty sure you can take it over again. But I'm afraid I won't be teaching it then.