Thursday, May 14, 2009

about BABEL

It was really heavy film.

First of all, I couldn't understand why everything went so worse,
just big impact was left.
The title 'BABEL', I've know the tower of Babel in bible but I could't conected with this movie.."why the title's BABEL?? What's part?" But after reading this coment, I got it at last.(sorry, this's Japanese;;)
Babel's review

Even though, they were speaking same langages, they couldn't communicate.
Possibly, they'd known each other and had same feeling in the depths of their hearts, but they were thinking 'She/He doesn't understand me' at that time.
I think it's much harder than a language barrier, feel irritated and sad.

Well, changing the subject, I gonna write about my GW.
I met my high school friends after a long time and just working.
That's all---:)


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